Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sociology Of The Family And Social Change Sociology Essay

Sociology Of The Family And Social Change Sociology Essay Throughout history  society and  families have undergone huge changes and these have been argued by many different  sociological  perspectives.   The reasons for the  argued changes  are  as diverse  as the theories themselves.   In this essay I aim to raise, evaluate and analyse the arguments raised by Functionalist, Marxist and Feminist theories with regards to why and when these changes occurred and their impact on the family and society in general.  Economic factors,  war,  changes in womens rights, reduction in religious beliefs and increase in divorce and a more recent  era of technology are just some of the factors that have affected  society  and thus changed the structure of the family as was previously known.  All of these could be said to have being responsible for what is seen as a breakdown in the  family unit as it was known but in this essay I will be looking at the effects  of  industrialisation on the family. Families have always been the foundation blocks from which we grow and learn, a means of support, whos components can change differently over time depending on where the families  exist. The extended family included three  generations of kin. The members didnt only share a household but also an important economic role which was to work together as a collective group, the purpose was to help keep the family alive and well, for example, the men would do more intensive labour such as subsistence farming, hunting and gathering, whilst the women would do crafts trades and domestic duties like cooking, brewing, caring for the offspring as well as perfecting the role of a successful wife and mother, which kept their husband happier and motivated to work hard for his family.   Eventually, the era of technology was introduced to society. This made a vast alteration in history by replacing most manual and animal labour in many countries across the world, which eventually forced the agriculture industry into an industrial working society. In the 18th  Century, industrialisation hit Britain and small industries started to rapidly grow across the country, specializing from metal production and mining to spinning, weaving and food production e.g. slaughter houses. More additional opportunities for employment were offered, altering the family structure dramatically, from as little as the age four, they were capable of working in factories. The growth of industrialisation resulted in more work for the unemployed. Wages were low, yet the house rent, food and living expenses increased. Many workers had no intentions of limiting their family size as their infant children continued to contribute to the family economy.   Eventually the small cottage businesss started to grow  into proto-industrial business  and families started hiring more workers other than kin. Functionalism was the main branch in society up until the early 1960s, since then it has been increasingly criticized by other sociologists who favoured different sociology perspectives (Martin Holborn and  Liz Steel -Collins Publications).  Institutions  such as schools and churches played a big part in society according to Functionalists and these institutions were functional for societies as a whole. The first main functionalists were G P Murdock and Talcott Parsons. Firstly, Murdock argued that the society was held together by four functions; Sexual, Reproduction, Economy and Education. Later on,  Parsons theory (which was widely criticised by historical evidence, notably studies by  Laslett and Anderson) was to study  nuclear and heterosexual  families,  Parsons Fit Thesis states that the Modern Nuclear family evolved to meet the needs of an industrial society, Feminists argued that tradition roles of the family restricted opportunities in employment. They also argued that although women were employed, that they were also expected  to carry out  the triple shift at home, which consisted of housework, child care and emotional work.  Marxists  argued that family helped a lot of children accept authorities without questioning which prepared them to accept capitalist authorities in work places. Another Marxism argument was that without the growing population of th e family, the  demand for products would decrease capitalist profits.   Marxist feminists agreed with these arguments but also pointed out that it was the women who were exploited most of all, they explained that the tradition role of the mother and housewife figure wasnt fair, but as they are prepared for this role, it provided help to their husbands at low prices which resulted to male workers being employed at low wages.   Marxists assumed the family had many roles which were beneficial to the Capitalist society, they  belived  that the family helped capitalism by being the major consumers of paid goods, this helped the bourgeoisie a great deal and proved that whilst the family exists, then the bourgeoisie would resume to make more profit.   They also believed that the next proletariat generation were created by housewives, as more children were produced, more jobs were filled which were currently left open by the retired. They believed that the family helped the main income provider,  which was usually the husband by relieving pressure from the previous evening allowing him to attend work the next day working and allowing the bourgeoisie to obligate a guaranteed workforce resulting in a beneficial outcome, the proletariat were less likely to rebel against the system due to little stress.   To Marxists, education was considered the main source of  socialisation,  this was also beneficial to the bourgeoisie since the family and education system would teach the children how the society they live in is precise.  Education made the proletariat believe the ideology of Capitalism which encouraged children to believe in the myth of meritocracy. Marxists believed that the bourgeoisie discouraged the proletariat extended family that once existed.  Marxists believe  that the proletariat had a mutual support system and acted communally as a support unit, which lead to many people becoming aware of which class they were in. This lead to the proletariat protesting against the capitalist ruling class for power, but as this was brought about by the extended family, the bourgeoisie taught the extended family to be immoral.   Engels saw industrialisation  negatively as  it increased exploitation of the workers, but also in a positive light  as it would eventually cause a communist revolution. The Marxist theories I have raised suggest that while Marxs theory makes sense, it has also been disproven throughout history as almost all of the countries that were introduced to the communist revolution eventually collapsed and became capitalist governments Communists didnt lead to freedom for the workers, but only to exploitive tyrannies that abused the proletariat more inferior than any bourgeoisie ever did, which concludes that although communism may well have been a great theory, it was never a practical one. Historically the feminist  approach is primarily aimed  at men,  there  view  on  the family  has an economic system which  encompasses   an  array of labour relation in which men benefit from the exploitation of women.   Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women.  (The Declaration of Feminism November, 1971) Many feminists came to the conclusion that when a member of the household worked, the income wasnt to contribute towards the household, but to the man. They saw the family a way for the man to dominate the woman, as he would benefit from all the work the woman does to contribute towards the family e.g. cleaning, cooking,  and bringing  up the children and more.   Which also includes  other view feminists  had involving the 57 varieties of unpaid service.   Radical feminists believe that the main problem in society is patriarchy,  they believe that a mans point of view is dominance and power, that they arent respected like they should be. A Marxist feminist believes capitalism is to blame for the problem, they believe that capitalism weakens the society  ( mainly  women ) , and if they eliminated  capitalism and introduce communism. A Liberal feminist believes that over time, sexism has started to diminish and society has started to improve.   In conclusion there are many arguments regarding the industrialisation of the family and its affects.   Many factors come into play and the many combinations of these along with the diversity of what family means to different people, I feel it makes it hard for any theory to, on its own, explain how and why these changes happened or to know if they would have anyway and are possibly down to evolution. External influences affect us all differently dependant in class, financial, social and emotional factors within a family unit.   There is no norm and so to claim any one theory alone correct would not take this in to account.  

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Curriculum studies Essay

In my assignment I will be defining curriculum and also addressing the notion of subject based curriculum with integrated curriculum. I will also be mentioning the advantages of subject based curriculum and conclude the assignment by answering the question of the assignment which ask, why is subject based curriculum is supported by leading writers? And I will also enhance my personal input on what I agree with concerning the assignment question. Curriculum is defined as a planned learning opportunities offered by the organization to learners and the experiences learners encounter when the curriculum is implemented. A curriculum is an attempt to communicate the essential principles and features of an educational proposal in such a form that it is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice. A curriculum is the formulation and implementation of an educational proposal to be taught and learned within a school or other institution and for which that institution accepts responsibility at three levels, its rationale, its actual implementation and its effects. The curriculum is part of the culture in a specific context and culture is defined as â€Å"that complex whole, which includes knowledge, belief art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.† E B Taylor (1871, p. 1) and it is also defined as â€Å" culture is transferred, it creates a heritage or a social tradition, that it is learned, it is not a manifestation in particular content, of a man’s genetic constitution, and that it is shared. †Talcott Parsons (1952, p.15). Culture is a complex term. Culture is both a product of social interaction as well as a determinant of it. Culture forms the basis of our communications with others; it is a cultural exchange of both shared and different experiences. Subject based curriculum focuses on the content of the curriculum. The designing resembles usually, to the textbook written for the specific subject, students increase knowledge of a subject matter determined by a set of â€Å"experts.† curriculum is planned around content units and the order of what is taught follows the purpose of the subject matter (Knowles, 1984). The purpose of subjects in school are mostly for information where learners have a central ideas on what there are doing or learning , for teachers to use statements that are proved against experience, giving learners specific methods and skills essential to succeed. To gain field knowledge (theoretical, practical, that may include moral knowledge) subject matter inter-disciplinary e.g. Geography and engineering. Hirst (1965). The subject based approaches to school curriculum involve students studying separate subjects that are independent and disconnected from each other, taught at different times during the day by specialized teachers. While integrated curriculum it is about creation of connections, across disciplines to real. It is a curriculum which include methods to education that include students viewing towards several dimensions that reflect the real world and are not restricted by the disciplines. One of the features of integrated curricula is that the knowledge that is taught and learned is strong-minded by matters that are applicable to the students. In this way, there tends to be more connection and application of knowledge to the issue of concern. In integrated approaches to curriculum students are generally given long periods throughout the school day to explore zones of interest to them. They are directed and supported by the teacher, but the emphasis is on the student being an active learner. Curriculum integration argues that knowledge in the real world is holistic and the division of knowledge into subjects for teaching and learning in schools is an unnecessary historical tradition and simply a practical method to deliver a curriculum (Hatch, 1998). This curriculum includes setting knowledge to use in relation to real life problems and issues, rather than being lists of concepts, facts and skills that students master for standardized in accomplishment of tests. Integrated curriculum is a way to teach students that attempts to break down barriers between subjects and make learning more meaningful to students. The advantages of subject based curriculum are that, it lends itself well to mass production, publishers can produce workbooks that break down reading or math into sub skills and procedures, which students and teachers can easily direct. This approach can be active in a environment where resources for staff development are limited. Teachers are able to guide the learning that is happening at the appropriate pace for students to be able to acquire new knowledge adequately. At the end of a course of learning, there has to be testing and evaluation of the learning that has occurred. Learners who are interested in learning about a topic don’t have to wait for a class to start or fit it into their schedules, especially in case of adult learners, because subject based material are accessible commercially like computers and books. Why is subject based curriculum advocated by leading writers? It is a curriculum which is teacher centered and learners are seen as passive participants and subjects are rated hierarchy. The leading writers support it because it Disciplines are considered important human achievements that have provided the best answers to fundamental questions about the world that human beings have generated. It is suitable that the teacher who is now the expert in a subject should be the one to teach that knowledge to the students. For example If students have any questions on a topic raised by a textbook, the teacher exist as the â€Å"expert† to answer the questions. It is also supported because this writer sees the teacher as being able to direct learning and plan how the course should proceed and the teacher is able to direct learning and plan how the course should proceed. In conclusion i don’t see a link of how subject based curriculum can be used in the current world where things are changing everyday, yet the curriculum itself is not relevant to the needs of the learners and it sees learners or student as passive not active participants, where everything is teacher centered and the teacher decide what learners or student need to know. On my personal view I believe integration curriculum is the best, because it sees the best in every person and it does not judge according race or marginalize people according to how they are, status quo is not an option it is rejected on integrated curriculum. It engage young people to be better reflectors to their realities, experiences outside school; â€Å"it makes learning more applied, more critical, more inventive, and more meaningful for students† (Hargreaves et al., 2001, p. 112). It goes beyond merely â€Å"overlapping† the different existing subjects. The students do not just read about Earth Day in English or calculate pollution levels in Math, rather they learn in a way that exclude labeling knowledge and, more importantly draws upon their own life experiences and backgrounds. This makes learning real for the students and gives them some ‘stake’ in the learning process as compared to the subject based curriculum. Integrated curriculum is an effective way to teach and learn, because it corresponds with the way our brain works physiologically. It teaches notions that help students approach any situation or problem, rather than facts which have limited application, this method doesn’t engage the student nor does it try to integrate knowledge gained in different subject areas. Subject based curriculum prevents students from understanding the wider context of what they’re learning. In the subject based curriculum students learn maths in one period, reading in another, science in another and life science in yet another, separate class. Every subject is taught as though it exists in and of itself without regard for how one subject impacts another subject. In the subject based curriculum, students are discouraged from enjoyable a different point of view than what textbook or teacher presents. The subject matter has already been chosen by experts in the different subjects, by school boards and by teachers and believed of value for students to learn. The subject matter is of serious importance, while students become little more than vessels to be filled, rather than thinking, rational individuals who need to be part of the learning process. References Apple, M. W. & Beane, J. A. (1999). Lessons from democratic schools. In M. W. Apple & J. A. Beane (Eds.), Democratic schools: Lessons from the chalk face (pp. 118-123). Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. Bernstein, B. (1971). On the classification and framing of educational knowledge. In M. Young (Ed.), Knowledge and control: New directions for the sociology of education (pp. 47-69). London: Collier-Macmillan. Stenhouse, L. (1975). defining the curriculum problem. volume 5, 1-5. Young, M. (2008). Bringing knowledge back in: From social constructivism to socialrealism in the sociology of education. London: Routledge. Young, M. (2009c). Curriculum theory and the problem of knowledge: A personal journey and an unfinished project. In E. Short & L. J. Waks (Eds.), Leaders in Curriculum Studies: Intellectual Self Portraits (pp. 219-230). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Friday, January 10, 2020

Whos Talking About Definition Essay Examples and Why You Should Be Worried

Who's Talking About Definition Essay Examples and Why You Should Be Worried During the duration of your academic career, whether at school or university, you'll almost certainly have to write a minumum of one problem solution essay. As with other essays, we often discover that it's hard to choose a topic particularly when the instructor asks students to produce their own topics. After going through this issue you will come to be aware of what the appropriate things that you ought to mention are. All you will need is a simple topic. Think of what you could do in order to make your school more beautiful. Writing is among the most effective modes of self-expression, and it's also a really effective means to help your students sort out all their ideas and feelings. Teenagers should be more cautious on the street. Students face a great deal of relationship difficulties. Facts, Fiction and Definition Essay Examples In which way the schools can assist the students to avoid childhood obesity. If you want more ideas, then take a look in your campus library. Immigration ought to be encouraged, not prohibited, in order to increase diversity. You are able to easily become many examples online as there are lots of resources out there for it. Definition Essay Examples: the Ultimate Convenience! If writing is vital for you when you read, you can begin with an outline draft first where you mention the main points. So it's seen that although they're very closely linked they aren't the very same and shall never be. Ev ery student demands help with homework from time to time. He should be expected to spend at least one semester abroad to promote tolerance. For writing about love essay, all you need to do is to follow along with the For instance, the love definition essay examples love. There are a number of ways to define the principal term of your essay. You should make certain that you're writing the definition that is clearly explaining the meaning to the audience and they're able to be aware of the central idea that you wished to express through the essay. Additionally, when writing an essay, additionally it is required to think about picking a topic that has a viable or practical solution. Definition essay requires plenty of patience. To begin with, if you're writing definition essay you will need to pick out a topic which will be interesting. A definition essay can be complicated to write. To generate the topics you simply must choose definition essay in the kind of essay and place some keywords when you have any on your mind. Definition Essay Examples Secrets Frequently, the very best problem solution essays concentrate on an interesting and appropriate problem. Your introduction has to be very solid since it will make the very first impression on your supervisor or anyone who's interested in reading your paper. To put it simply, it describes an issue and suggests a solution. In scenarios where there are many solutions to the issue, the thesis statement might argue for the should solve the issue immediately. The Death of Definition Essay Examples The main aim of your work is to provide the readers the comprehensive definition of the precise term. Mention the way the definition you were speaking about affected you. The perfect way to start is to look up several distinctive definitions of the period, and see the way that it's usually utilized. The Secret to Definition Essay Examples To support the principal idea it is likewise vital to experience each facet of the topic. Since it is such a multifaceted concept that it's just not feasible to provide a universal definition that will completely cover all its aspects. As it's limited to 4,000 words, you should narrow the range of your research to a specific element of history, covering a quick time period. Last, do not make a frequent mistake plenty of students make in the concluding paragraph. In more specific definition, it's the capability of someone to face his fears. When you hear the term love, what's the first thing comes to your mind. Most individuals would feel a feeling of guilt if they committed murder. The intelligent person has the power to understand not just a ci rcumstance, but the people within that circumstance. The standard of definition paper is based on the topic you select. The format of your extended definition essay is dependent on the formatting style you will have to use. If you're looking for definition essay examples here's a great one below. Extended definition essay example is a sort of essay which offers a detailed explanation of a term. There are an endless number of words that may be defined in the period of an essay. Some teachers require the essay outline only because they need to be sure the students will write fantastic papers.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Aunt - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 636 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/19 Category People Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Keandra Young February 6, 2010 English 900 A Positive Influence Significant adjective; important. If there was one person who has made a significant impact in my life, there would be no doubt my aunt LaTania. She is hardworking, always there for me, and has shined throughout all of her struggles. Many people in the world do not have a positive influences and most of them are the ones in trouble. Everyone should have someone like my aunt. As the manager of Source Corp Imaging, she has many responsibilities to uphold. Training all employees, doing payroll, filling out paperwork for different clients that have to go out, holding meetings and speaking publicly, answering difficult questions, and staying late without overtime pay, I would have to say this is true dedication to her job. This woman works very hard for her company and when I was a summer employee I got a first hand look at what she really did. Every employee has respect for her because she is diligent about her w ork, and how she interacts with people. This is the one person, I swear who doesn’t complain about all the work she has to do and when I get established in my career I hope I have all her qualities. My aunt LaTania has always been here for me since the day I was born, she treats me as if I was her daughter. When she did have her child, everywhere they went, I was right along with them. We went to amusement parks, go carting, the pool, arcades, the mall, the monster trucks, anywhere that was fun, we went. People always compare her daughter and me, they say that we were switched I act like my aunt and her daughter is just like my mom. We all also look alike so when you see all of us you can tell we are related.. We used to have so much fun. We didn’t need friends because we were very close to each other. When I told my family I was pregnant, it seemed like the only person who was there for me in my family was my aunt. She would tell me everything would work out an d they were just shocked and they would get over it. Aunt Toni would make sure I was okay and if I wanted to talk about something we would hop in her truck and just drive and talk about life or whatever was on my mind. I appreciate her for just always aking sure that I was all right. Throughout all her shine, she has had quite a downfall of events also. She thought she had found the man of her dreams, he was the father of her child and the only man she had been with for 18 years. They got married in August 1997 but it didn’t last long, they finalized their divorce in early 2009. When they were together around family it was all good but when I would stay over night at their house it was a different story. Always arguing, no positive energy, he gave up on their relationship and she was tired of feeling like she was the one bringing it down. Therefore it was not a healthy way to live and ultimately it had to come to divorce. Now she is very happy with someone new and it shows in her attitude and body language. I am so excited for her and her â€Å"new life. † As a positive influence, my aunt has gone above and beyond what someone should do for somebody. She has been a great role model, a person that everyone should have in their life. I have a great appreciation for everything she has done for me. I thank god I can always go to her for her help and support. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Aunt" essay for you Create order